Tuesday, 2 October 2018

How Fluid Power System Works.

It can be said that fluid power the backbone or muscles that make the industry move. The fluid power system is used to push, pull, rotate, regulate and drive directly or indirectly all the machines of industry.  fluid power is the technology that deals with the generation, control and transmission of power using the pressurized fluids. Almost in all the industries process required to move the body from one place to other places, some time to hold the body or object for some manufacturing process, such activities are performed by the prime mover.
whenever we talk about the fluid power system two comes into the picture-

1. Hydraulic system: Fluid based system using the liquid as a transmission medium.
this system uses the liquid such as petroleum oil, water etc. in the earliest fluid used was water hence the name was applied to the system using liquids.
2. Pneumatics system: Gase based system is called a pneumatic system.
In this system gases used are, compressed air, some time nitrogen.
Fluid power is the general term used for both hydraulic and pneumatic system. there are two type of fluid power system.
  1. Fluid transport: it is used to deliver the fluid from one place to another place.
  2. fluid power: it is designed specially to perform work that is accomplished by a pressurised fluid bearing on an operating fluid cylinder or fluid motor.                                   
                                                                                                                                                         *Fluid is a substance that can flow or continually deform under the applied shear stress.

  1. Simple and accuracy of control: using the simple lever and push button, one can operate the system easily and accurately. 
  2. Multiplication and variation of forces: a fluid power system can multiply forces simply and efficiently from a kilogram to several hundreds of ton. 
  3. Multiplication control: a single hydraulic pump or air compressor can provide power and control for numerous machine using a valve manifold and distribution system.
  4. Constant force and torque: It is capable of providing a constant torque of force regardless of speed changes. 
  5.  Low weight to power ratio: the hydraulic system has a low weight to power ratio compared to other systems.
  6.  the system is Economical and compact.
  7. The fluid power system is used where the safety is much more important.
  8. Eliminate complicated mechanical trains of gear.
  1. Hydraulic lines can burst to cause serious human injuries.
  2. Prolong exposure to loud noise.
  3. Fire hazard
  4. Systems are messy.
  5. Physical injury from the high-speed particle.
  6. The hydraulic system is highly corrosive to most of the aircraft material.
  1. Medical : Medical equipment such as dental drives and human patient simulator, heart assist devices.
  2. Aviation: landing wheel in aircraft, aircraft trolley, luggage loading and unloading system, aileron, flight simulator.  
  3. Automobile: hydrostatic transmission, suspension system, power brakes

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