It is an integrated circuit designed for use as a central processing unit of a computer. The CPU is the primary and central player in communication with the devices such as memory, input and output. The terms Microprocessor came into existence in the year 1971, when the Intel Corporation of America developed the first microprocessor Intel-4004 it was able to process just 4 bits.
It is the digital device of the processor system which processes the data, fetching the instruction from memory, decoding and executing them. The microprocessor system that we are concerned are used as a control system and it called as embedded microprocessors. It performs certain arithmetic and logical operations to accept data from the input device and send results to the output. it is incorporated the functions of a CPU on a single integrated circuit or few integrated circuits.
The microprocessor system is consist of
Buses: Basically it is a communication link between the processing unit and the peripheral devices.
The microprocessor system is consist of
- Central processing unit.
- input-output interfaces.
- Memory unit
Buses: Basically it is a communication link between the processing unit and the peripheral devices.
1.Data Bus: it is used to transport a word to or from the CPU and the memory or the output /input interfaces Each wire in the bus carries a binary signal 0 or 1.
2.Address Bus: It carries signals which indicate where data is to be found and so the selection of the certain memory location or input or output ports. Each storage location within a memory device has a unique identification.
3.Control Bus: The signals relating to control activities are carried by the control bus. it is necessary for the microprocessor to inform memory devices whether they are to read data from an input device or write data to an output device.
The constituent part of a microprocessor.
- Arithmetic and logic unit(ALU): This unit is responsible for performing the data manipulation and other logical operation on the data.
- Register: Internal data that the CPU is currently using is temporarily held in a group of registers while instructions are being executed. these are memory location within the microprocessor and are used to store the information.
- Control unit: The control unit performs the most important function in the computer. it controls all other units and also controls the flow of data from one unit to another for performing generates the timing signals used to fetch a program instruction from memory and execute it. operations involving the microprocessor are reckoned in terms of the number of cycles they take.
- Memory Unit: The memory unit in a microprocessor system stores binary data and takes the form of one or more integrated circuits. the data can be program instruction codes or number being operated on. this usually consists of chips of both ROMs and RAMs
- Output unit: After processing of the data in the arithmetic and logical unit, the results are displayed to the output world through this unit. the term peripheral devices are used for pieces of equipment that exchange data with a microprocessor system. for the microprocessor to input valid data from an input device, it needs to be certain that the interface chip has correctly latched the input data. it can do this by polling or an interrupt.
- Low cost
- less heat generation
- low power consumption
- high speed
- Small size
- Reliable
- Versatile
- Portable
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