Thursday 16 August 2018

How Hydraulic Brakes work.

Hydraulic Brakes
Hydraulic brake system transmit the force pedal to each wheel brakes through the pressurized fluid.when the force is applied on the brake it converts the fluid pressure into the useful work to stop or reduce the speed of the vehicle.The brake fluid is in compressible and it exert equal pressure in all the direction.
Hydraulic brakes based on the principle that " when the pressure is exerted on a confined liquid , it transmits pressure without loss, equally in all direction". when the driver applied the brake, it exert a force on the the piston of the master cylinder then this force is transmitted to the wheel. Each wheel is having the piston wheel cylinder arrangement, piston in the wheel cylinder transfer the force to the brake shoe. when the brake is not applied ,50 to 55 kpa is maintained in the steel piping to keep the wheel cylinder piston in the expanded position.

components of hydraulic cylinder are:-

  1. brake pipe 
  2. brake shoe
  3. master cylinder
  4. brake drum
  5. brake pedal
  6. wheel cylinder 
1.Brake pipe
usually the brake pipes are the steel pipe, when the force is applied on the brake pedal, hydraulic pressure is generated in the master cylinder .This pressure is equally transmitted through pipe to wheel cylinder.
2. Brake shoe
It create the friction in the drum which is necessary to stop and reduce the speed of vehicle.Friction between lining and drum provide the braking effort.
3. Master Cylinder
master cylinder is filled with the fluid, when the force is applied on the pedal it converts the non-hydraulic into the hydraulic pressure.
4.Brake drum
It uses the friction produce by the brake shoe and oppose the movement of the rotating cylinder .
5.Brake pedal
It exert the force which applied by the driver against the brake disc which slow the wheel down.
6. wheel cylinder
it exert the force on to the shoe as to bring them into contact with the drum and stop the vehicle.
  1. Equal braking action on the wheel.
  2. increase braking force.
  3. simple in construction.
  4. low wear rate of braking linings
  5. Does not generate sparks.
  6. high horse power to weight ratio.
  7. Multiplication of force

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